The SUNSET Map Trailer, released on August 26th, 2023, was the first showcase of Sunset, the new map released in Episode 7 Act 2. The cinematic's description reads: 'Peel back the KINGDOM curtain for a look at Sunset: a vibrant new map set right in Gekko’s stomping grounds.'
SUNSET depicts the VALORANT Protocol's first mission directly against Kingdom Corporation, with the Protocol Agents invading the Kingdom West Facility in Los Angeles, the primary site for Project Landfall's development. The Protocol's aim in this mission is to stop Kingdom from progressing the Landfall Project any further. Aside from showcasing gameplay and the new map, the cinematic gives insightful information on Kingdom, The Interverse and the Radivores.
From a cloud of smoke, the Protocol Agents Brimstone, Sova, Deadlock, Reyna, and Gekko arrive at the sence in sequence, the Landfall Facility located in Los Angeles. Immediately upon arrival, they are met with the Maw of The Interverse, an invention that Kingdom uses to transport the Radivores from other facilities to the one at Los Angeles swiftly. With Sova's Shock Bolt Ability immobilizing both guards in their way, the squad quickly makes their way over to the Maw of The Interverse— not before a Kingdom Scientist transports another Radivore through the Maw and locks the system in succession. Even though Deadlock uses her Annihilation Ability to capture the scientist, she barely misses her aim and the scientist is able to flee through a teleporter nearby. Ordering Gekko, Deadlock, and Sova to shut the Maw of The Interverse down, Brim then leaves the scene with Reyna in order to protect the trio from the onset of attacks.
As Brimstone and Reyna are busy with a gunfight, the trio get to work. As Gekko observes the Maw, he comments that it looks like one of his critters, Wingman. While Gekko's fascination with the Interverse continues, Deadlock and Sova's attempts at cracking an encrypted code ensues. Nonchalantly, Sova severs a guard's thumb in order to gain access to the otherwise locked system. It ends up being of no use, and Deadlock complains that Sova's actions would throw them off the system. After trying another password to unlock the system to no avail, Deadlock throws her GravNet Ability towards the Maw of The Interverse in anger. The nanowires inside the GravNet spread out and latch onto the wiring around the circular frame of the portal moving their position, which then causes the interverse to send a shockwave around its surroundings.
After a wash of purple smoke and particles wash over the surrounding area, the interverse chamber becomes disorienting for the trio showing signs of an unstable reality. However, Wingman doesn't seem affected by this change in the atmosphere; While Gekko watches as the interverse pulls on his bonding marks on his forearm Wingman turns to him and suggests going into the Maw of The Interverse himself in order to shut it down. Gekko is wary of his little friend's wellbeing still, and asks Wingman if he's sure of his decision and Wingman assures him.
Gekko's voice wavers, overcome by emotion as he tries to discourage Wingman from following through with his risky plan. Meanwhile, Wingman makes his way over to Deadlock, kindly suggesting to borrow the gadget on her arm. Deadlock recoils, and tries to intimidate Wingman with her gadget. Wingman doesn't budge, still reaching out for her mechanic hand— the one that had been destroyed by a Radivore. Even though she's overcome by emotion at recalling the painful event, she still listens to Gekko's pleas, handing Wingman her circular gadget in the end. Holding up the gadget with his arms, Wingman then jumps into the Maw of The Interverse courageously. As the purple material of the Interverse bends and shifts, the trio look at each other, clueless of what's happening. Then, all of a sudden, a wave of yellow starts bursting out of the Interverse. After ducking for cover, the trio quickly flee the place before the Interverse inevitably explodes.
The next time we see the Protocol Agents, they're standing outside of the Kingdom Facility, which has now been fractured all around with a giant crater where the underground interverse chamber used to be. As the Agents make their way outside, Gekko falls down on his knees from exhaustion and, surprisingly, Deadlock offers a hand to help him stand up. Finding a now miniature Wingman, the two friends reunite as the Protocol realizes that Kingdom had been a distraction from their real enemy— their Omega counterparts, the VALORANT LEGION who are seen just arriving in through their teleporters.
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